
But he likes toilet paper! How bad could he be?

Last week it was reported that a mother is calling on toilet paper giant Purex to change its advertising after her four-year-old son was mauled by a shar pei dog - the breed of dog that is the Purex Rolly mascot. The Shar Pei dog is pictured above. Its that kind of dog that looks like it's been experimented on for awhile and somehow survived. Or was once really really fat and managed to lose it all using Jared's Subway diet, but was left with a ton of loose flab-skin. I always wondered how the poor bastards manage to see. Anyways, apparently the lady's son had approached the dog to pat it because he had been lured into thinking shar peis were a safe breed through the Purex advertising. Alright. Lady. I'm sorry about your son, I really am. It's terrible. But the dog looks funny. I can understand going to pet it. The thing is, if the dog was able and willing to attack the kid, I would think that the dog owners were somehow negligent with their aggressive dog. So talk to them. Blaming toilet paper ads is just silly. I don't try to pet bees because I see a honey-nut cheerios ad. I don't expect a big bald arian man to emerge from my cleanser just because Mr. Clean tends to do so, and the Charmin bear doesn't make me think that going and wiping a bear's ass is a very good idea. Now granted, I'm an adult, so I've learned these lessons. Sometimes the hard way (that bear liked it though). But kids aren't that dumb, he just liked the dog. Stop trying to mine for a quick score based on your kid's suffering.


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