
Guns don't kill people, crazy people don't kill people, weed kills people. Duh.

Many of you have likely heard of the tragic deaths of four RCMP officers who were attempting to reposess a car in Alberta, this last week. As they progressed they stumbled upon a small weed grow-op (around 20 plants). They also stumbled upon Jim Roszko, a man with a long criminal history and considered a "time bomb" by area residents. This particular bomb was armed with a legally aquired high powered rifle, with which he proceeded to shoot dead all four officers. Now, you tell me what the problem here is. There is no evidence whatsoever that Roszko was high at the time, but there is a mountain of evidence that he was known to be mentally disturbed. How then, has the judicial system allowed a man who had multiple violent charges and several convictions A continue to be free, and B buy a rifle. Methinks we won't see Ralph Klein (Alberta's Premier) make any firey pro-gun speeches in the near future. Nor will we see anyone acclaim the efficacy of the mental health services in Canada. Alas, what we apparently see is people using this tragic incident to make political hay, especially rallying against weed. One letter in The Globe and Mail today summarized this idiotic side quite nicely: "I hope all the potheads and their pals think of these murdered RCMP members when they're rolling their joints." Yeesh.


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