What I didnt mention in my last post on the Schiavo case, was that the Federal government's actions are a violation of essential Republican values. Ironically then, Bush's gambit of shoring up his base may in fact be alienating a chunk of it. Today, former Republican representative of Georgia Bob Barr noted that "To simply say that the 'culture of life,' or whatever you call it means that we don't have to pay attention to the principles of federalism or separation of powers is certainly not a conservative viewpoint". Furthermore, Allan Lichtman, who chairs the history department at American University in Washington, noted that "[The Government action] contradicts a lot of what those behind it say they believe: the sanctity of the family, the sacred bond between husband and wife, the ability of all of us to make private decisions without the hand of government intervening, deference to states and localities as opposed to the centralized government,"
Very good points, methinks. It would seem then, that this is another example of the Bush government ruling by a kind of neo-conservativism, instead of the true Republicanism of the past. In place of conservative spending and defecit reduction, they tax the middle class and spend like there's no tomorrow (mainly in Iraq). Instead of personal freedoms, reduced government size and clear seperation of powers, we get this debacle. What accounts for this? A new dedication to the Christian right, while maintaining the pretense of being traditional conservatives. It certainly doesnt hurt that they have the seemingly universal excuse that "this is a post 9/11 world, so things have to be done differently".
Anyways, back to the issue at hand. Fortunately seperation of powers isnt completely dead. Thank god. In a ruling earlier today, the Federal court judge that Bush and his buddies lobbied so hard to get to rejected their petition to overturn the lower court's decision. This is good news for everyone with the good sense to see the dangerous precident that would have been set otherwise. Naturally though, this is being appealed (ugh).
Another interesting development: Angered by the latest political developments in Washington, Michael Schiavo (Terry's husband, who is seeking to have her wishes fulfilled), invited Bush to visit Terry. "Come talk to me. Meet my wife. Talk to my wife and see if you get an answer. Ask her to lift her arm to shake your hand. She won't do it." She won't, Schiavo said, because she can't.
He then made what I think to be a really excellent point: "Instead of worrying about my wife, who was granted her wishes by the state courts the past seven years, they should worry about the pedophiles killing young girls," Schiavo said, referring to a local case. "Why doesn't Congress worry about people not having health insurance? Or the budget? Let's talk about all the children who don't have homes."
Damn right.
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