Here's one of the dumbest product changes I've ever heard of. Now I don't know about you, but I generally avoid paying for things that cause me pain. In fact, I go to great lengths to purchase only things that will either give me pleasure of some kind, or alliviate some pain I've already got cooking. Evidently there's a market for painful things, cause Samsung plans to release in March a mobile phone that lets you zap, slap or tickle the person you're talking to over the phone. While talking on the phone, if you don't like what you hear, you can send a sensation that feels like a slap in the face. Now, dont get me wrong. This would be really damn fun at first, assuming you're the slapper and not the slapee. I can just imagine some drunken frat guys devising all manner of idiotic things to do with such a device. But what actual use does this have? Forget the use, but explain to me why I would want to pay to be slapped. I would pay to be able to slap the other person, fine, but I'm not likely to be buying them a new phone now am I? 50 bucks says they stumbled upon batteries that would randomly shock the phone's user, and they're just making this up as a new 'feature' to cover their asses.
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