A better way
Everyone knows how traditional voting works. Every white man who owns at least 50 acres gets a vote, and for each slave they own, they get another 3/5ths of a vote. Simple enough.
Now, BC is voting in a couple of weeks on a new idea. Instead of the one person, one vote system that everyone has come to know and love, they'll be trying out the "single transferable vote" or STV system. In this, instead of choosing the candidate you overall like the best, you rank your three favourates. The point distribution system isn't clear yet. Its possible Your first choice gets 3 points, second gets 2 and third gets one. Or possibly, first gets 5, second 2, third 1. Something along those lines. The upshot in my mind however, would be a more accurate depition of the will of the voters. I dont see how, in a democratic system that's based around the ideal of best representing the will of the voting populace, an increase in information from the voters could possibly be a bad thing.
One arguement against this idea would be that it would overly complicate a system already plagued by low voter turnout. But it's not so complicated that someone couldnt grasp it and its merits after a 30 second TV spot, and there's the real possiblity that a new system would find new appeal with the voters. I'd say its worth a shot. Just think: had this system been in place for the US 2000 election, its a pretty safe bet that the Nader voters would have put Gore as their second choice, and Gore would have won easily (with an even greater popular majority than he got anyways). Go for it BC, I'd say this is the future of representative democracy.
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