
Oh good lord...

LONDON -- Authorities are considering taking an 8-year-old boy who weighs 218 pounds into protective custody unless his mother improves his diet, officials said Monday. Social service officials will meet with family members Tuesday to discuss the health of Connor McCreaddie, who weighs more than three times the average for his age.

"The worst case would be Connor getting taken into care. He is well cared for," the boy's mother, Nicola McKeown, told ITV television.

Look. Lady. That kid is not well cared for, I don't care what you say. Either he has a medical condition leading to his immense gut, in which case you should be addressing it, or you're feeding him sewage laced with crisco. Which is also not so good. Either way, the kid needs to get the hell away from you ASAP.

"Child abuse is not just about hitting your children or sexually abusing them, it is also about neglect... He's really at risk of dying by the time he's 30" a British social worked was quoted as saying regarding this case. I couldn't agree more.


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