The future is now!
You can get basically anything from a vending machine these days, from ipods to cellphones to fancy drinks, but this one really takes the cake.
Coming soon to a mall near you: Pizza vending machines. Wonderpizza vending machines provide you with a 9-inch pizza in 2 minutes. Presumably this is achieved either with a microwave inside that heats pre-frozen pizzas, or with a crack team of little people diligently assembling pie after pie. Either way, I'm not sure I want any.
Still, I could totally see this going over well in a college dorm. I know a couple of guys who would totally use this thing...
I think I may know who those guys are....
This is so gross!
3/05/2007 12:20 PM
When you say you know some guys who would use that you are talking about me, right?
3/06/2007 10:09 AM
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