
Silly old Texas

If you knew that 40% of the population would contract a disease that is potentially life threatening, and you had a cheap vaccine that completely eliminates any problem, wouldn't you mandate its use? Basically the same thing as a Tetanus or Rubella shot right?

Those wacky Texans disagree, because in this case, the disease is HPV.

From The Dallas Morning News:

"AUSTIN – The House voted Tuesday to unravel Gov. Rick Perry's order that all sixth-grade girls be inoculated against the virus that can cause cervical cancer, giving overwhelming support to a bill that would allow only the Legislature to mandate the vaccine in the future.

After an emotional and confrontational three-hour fight over the issue, House members voted, 119-21, for a bill by Rep. Dennis Bonnen, R-Angleton, that says the vaccine for human papillomavirus cannot be required as a condition for school entry.

Once it's finally approved, which is expected today, the bill goes to the Senate, where it has strong support. The bill could still be vetoed, but if the chambers send it to the governor's desk by mid-May, there's plenty of time – and support – for the Legislature to override it. Mr. Perry has not said if he'll use his veto pen.

The arguments for and against the bill were heated, with lawmakers dipping into medical science, questions of encouraging or discouraging sexual activity, and arguments about women's health and parental rights. Mr. Perry's order has an opt-out clause in which parents can choose not to get their child vaccinated.

Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, called the bill a "knee-jerk political reaction" and said her colleagues had allowed "ideology and politics to triumph over public health."

"I see it as the ability to save a lot of women's lives and their quality of life," Ms. Farrar said. "

Of course Ms. Farrar is completely correct. I see this as an entirely foolish move. Were this disease contracted in any way other than sexual contact, do you really think there would be a problem with the inoculation? Of course not.


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