Keepin' em' busy
If you've been following the Canadian press of late, you'll be well aware of the potentially looming Spring election, brought on as a result of the Sponsorship Scandal. I'd say the complaints against the Liberals are legitimate: given the testimony against them recently, it's becoming abundently clear that serious abuses happened under the Liberal watch. Prime Minister Martin said as much in his recent address to the nation. That said, I believe his calls for waiting till Justice Gomery can finish his report makes perfect sense. A Federal election deserves clarity, and only a finished, professionally handles report, can truly bring that. What really set me off has been the Opposition's recent spin on the matter. Evidently, according to Harper and his gang, an election should be called because the Federal government hasn't been concentrating on other issues (health care, education, etc). The problem with that logic is that it's Harper's Conservatives won't allow the government to address any other issues. Every time they try to, Harper brings it back to the Scandal, and blames Martin for trying to change the subject. Talk about between a rock and a hard place. And unreasonable.